Time & Material / Dedicated Hiring Model

M-Connect Solutions offers different models to hire our services or resource to fulfill your varied needs. You can choose out of all or customize them as per your business’s specific needs. So, let’s get started.

Need a skilled professional or a whole team to work exclusively on your project? No worries. We offer a dedicated resource hiring model where you can opt for hiring a professional or a whole team of professionals to dedicatedly work on your web development project.

Time And Material

This hiring model is highly flexible and fully scalable where you get the benefits of hiring trained and certified devoted developers. Companies looking to hire web developers to efficiently manage their large scale project should go for this engagement model.

Once you pitch your requirement to us, we will analyze the resources required and offer quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly contracts for your project. You have the convenience to choose the plan and flexibility to customize it according to your needs. After you choose and agree to all the contract terms pertinent to this model, we allocate a dedicated professional or a team of professionals needed for your project. A team of professionals may comprise of designers, developers, graphic designers, QA, programmers, marketing analysts, SEO expert, or Google Analytic trainer.

Once everything is settled, a professional or a team of professionals will start work on your project exclusively. It will just feel like an extended team of yours who is working remotely. You will have full control over the dedicated resources assigned to your project. Through this hiring model, clients can directly assign tasks to dedicated resources and monitor the progress and ask for updates on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. Also, you get the benefit of having a certified project manager to look over your project’s progress. And you can seek professionals to work according to your time zone as well.

Our state-of-the-art infrastructure and robust communication make it a piece of cake to manage your dedicated resource working on your project. And not only that its cost-effectiveness makes it a perfect choice for enterprises looking for a long-term partnership, which they can effortlessly manage remotely.

Model Best Suited For Projects Like:

  • Bug Fixing & Continuous Monitoring
  • Support & maintenance
  • Add-on Functionality Development
  • Project Requirement keeps changing
  • Enterprise Application Outsourcing
  • More than One Project Needs to Outsourced
  • Team of Experts are Required
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Industries We Serve To:

  • Ecommerce & Retail
  • Entertainment & Media
  • Healthcare
  • Logistics & Transport
  • Education & E-Learning
  • Real Estate
  • And Others

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