Attract Customers & Increase Revenue Using B2C Marketing Automation

If you are willing to grow sales and boost revenue in a B2C company, marketing automation can do miracles for you. Just look around and observe your competitors. What do you think makes them attract more customers? Probably the answer would be their online presence. If you never gave this a thought, then this is the right time. Nowadays, irrespective of business size or scale, online marketing promotion is the key to larger revenue. Marketing automation has now become almost an essentiality to make your online presence more effective and fruitful.

What is B2C Marketing Automation?

B2C marketing automation is a customer-oriented process that automates processes related to customer acquisition and retention. If your current objective is to boost sales, knowing your customers is the key factor. It is an essential part of marketing automation, analyzing the available data, and making decisions based on that data. In this way, better promotional techniques can be developed, which will be targeted at potential customers. Once you know that these particular customers are interested in buying your product, you can apply different tactics to make the customer initiate the actual purchase.

Benefits of B2C Marketing Automation

Technological advancements make it possible to access large customer data and use it for growing your business sales. Marketing software can store a large amount of data about your customers to provide valuable insights about their taste and preference. Let us look at some of the notable benefits of B2C marketing automation.

  1. Helps in retaining your best customers:

It is a known thing that older customers enhance the brand value. Their positive feedback about the product can encourage others to buy from you. Marketing Automation software improves customer loyalty by taking their valuable feedback and thanking them for the purchase they have made. In this way, customers feel themselves to be special and important for the company. Such software keeps the data regarding your customer effectively, such as their birthdays or anniversaries. You can offer special discounts to your trusted customers on the days like their birthday, anniversary, etc. Such actions enhance customer satisfaction and ultimately boost profits by increasing sales.

  1. Attracting new customers:

Whenever a new customer inquires about your brand or signs in for the first time on the website, an automated email can be easily generated. You can send a welcome email or a message to showcase that their response matters. In this competitive world, customers seek attention. Otherwise, they will move on to choose from the several options available to them. Marketing automation enables you to give due importance to each customer.

  1. Increased brand value:

By using marketing automation software, due attention will be paid to each customer without actually interacting one on one. This will increase your brand value. Customer satisfaction is the key to increase brand value. In this way, your product/service and your company will stay alive in your customers’ minds by regularly sending them emails when you are introducing new products or informing them about the different uses of existing products.

  1. More targeted promotional techniques:

You do not need to evaluate each customer’s taste and preferences, as marketing automation does this for you. With the available data, you can know what sort of product the customer may buy. Accordingly, you can alter your promotional messages or mails to inform the customers about the products they may like.

  1. Time-saving;

Time is money, and in this dynamic and competitive business environment, nothing is achievable without time management. Marketing automation applications help save a lot of time wasted in collecting and managing each customer’s data. Moreover, the main struggle starts after collecting and combining data. Raw data is of no use unless and until useful information from it. If this process is done manually, it can take many days, and a huge staff is required to manage the available data effectively. Marketing automation software can be a lifesaver in such a case. You can carry out instant analysis with the collected information, saving a lot of time to implement the strategies.

Marketing Automation Software to Boost your Sales and Revenue:

If you search, there are numerous marketing automation software. We are providing you with a list of some of the best applications circling in the market. However, you must bear in mind that their suitability differs according to your requirements. Hence, we are providing you with the features related to different software in brief. Please have a look at them so that you can have a clear idea of which software will work best for your business entity.

  1. Marketo:

It may cover every aspect of marketing through online channels. This software is capable of performing multiple functions from online advertising to accounting-based promotion. Valuable recommendations are provided, and you can target your campaigns to a specific kind of customer. Marketo doesn’t offer any free version, but it does offer a free trial. Once you are sure that this software system is ideal for you, you must purchase the necessary plan. In most cases, you shall observe that the greater the investment, the greater the benefits reaped.

  1. Hubspot:

This software is useful even if your team is working diversely. It combines all departments’ efforts like sales, finance, and purchase in your entity and help provide inbound marketing. The software package also deploys benefits like sales and service hubs. It even assists in writing SEO friendly content, creates landing pages without putting in many efforts.

Hubspot can perform several tasks, from sending SMS to email for your different requirements. It also serves internal automation such as CRM updates and leads scoring. This system possesses all those qualities which can be required to be your go-to marketing automation software. You will find that the software has both free and paid plans, but only paid subscribers can use the prominent marketing automation features.

  1. Active Campaign:

Even though marketing automation software does a great job, human efforts are equally important. Nevertheless, this software makes it one step easier for you and your team to handle your marketing needs. It notifies you from time to time about different customer aspects. Activecampaign developed a visual automation workflow for the very first time. Activecampaign does have a free trial, but other subscription plans are available for diverse business needs.

  1. Omnisend:

It might not be easy to find any software like Omnisend. What makes it different is its ability to add several channels to the running automation flow. It can perform numerous tasks simultaneously, such as sending push-up notifications, SMS, email, and many more, making it a leading marketing automation software. It combines with many third-party applications. The application even has many pre-written templates that are useful for all e-commerce automation scenarios. Omnisend also has a free subscription available, just like most of the other automation software. To get the most out of this software, one should opt for a paid subscription.

  1. Mailchimp:

Each software specializes in some particular field, and for MailChimp, this field is email marketing. We cannot ignore the importance of email marketing in boosting sales. MailChimp allows you to send transactional emails like order confirmation emails and many more personalized emails. This tool can be handy where email marking can be the game-changer for the entire business organization. A Free subscription is available in MailChimp, but a paid subscription is suggested to experience its more advanced features.

  1. Autopilot:

What makes this software different is its emojis, stickers, and custom notes. The plus point is all autopilot subscriptions offer unlimited emails along with access to customer support. One can also purchase the expert setup and training facility with some extra charges. Autopilot also offers a free trial; after that, you can use it for minimal costs.

Start your journey towards seamless marketing automation!

The facts stated above can help you select the archetype software tool for your B2C marketing automation initiative. Automation of your marketing operations will indeed benefit your company greatly. It can save a lot of your time and attract more customers and make the process more easy and economical for you. Get ready for a new journey in the field of marketing and see where it takes you. Companies using automation software systems for their marketing requirements claim that they benefitted them in various ways. It would be best if you explored the required possibilities to take advantage of the same at the right time.

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About Hemant Parmar

Hemant Parmar is an eCommerce expert and a keen Magento consultant who specializes in meeting the needs of businesses in the e-commerce space. Years in the eCommerce market make him a perfect choice for sharing his expertise on eCommerce and Magento 2 development. He believes that customers need to be met no matter how challenging it might be.

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