How Android App Development Transforms the Mobile Commerce Industry?

With the advent of mobiles, our digital transformation has leaped ahead. Mobility has eased the life of shoppers a lot. Native experiences of apps heightened shopping at a new level.

What Is Mobile Commerce?

Up scaled security in mobile transactions had given birth of mobile commerce concept where we can accomplish everything solely on the smart mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. Now, let’s see how the market is responding to M-commerce apps in reality.

Therefore, recent reports by Statista on mobile retail commerce sales as a percentage of e-commerce sales indicates increased tendencies towards M-commerce shopping in the market.

It believed that 54% of all retail commerce expected to take place through M-commerce applications. It is a big thing for the mobile app development industry, particularly Android app development companies in by-and-large.

Reality & Prospects in M-commerce

Integration of emerging technologies with mobile applications has made mobile commerce or M-commerce a plethora of various interactions and services. For instance,

Mobile Location-based Services

It has opened the doors of new location-based opportunities in M-commerce.

Mobile Banking

M-commerce has made banking services cheaper and rapid than we imagined before.

Mobile Payment

Support for various payment methods, payment gateways, and mobile wallet like concepts have boosted M-commerce services and brought it into the mainstream.

Mobile Marketing

Marketing incentives through mobiles have uplifted marketing a new level, and it becomes real-time phenomena for shoppers to get a coupon or discount and redeem immediately while passing in the vicinity of the business offering it. Halting a journey a few minutes and shopping done!

Mobile Travel & Tourism

Booking tickets, taxis, hotel, the table in a restaurant, and visiting worthy places in that city are happening right before days we start a trip in a real sense, thanks to advanced mobile commerce development.

Mobile Healthcare

Attachments of wearable devices and integration of digital healthcare tools, instruments, and testing have made smart mobile devices a compulsion in the hands of healthcare service providers. Most of healthcare and fitness activities are advancing thanks to mobiles, and it poses new prospects for M-commerce in it.

Mobile Realty

Buying and renting a home, commercial property, and even selling those all are under the hood of M-commerce now.

Why Android App Development for M-commerce Applications?

We know three platforms are major for the creation of a mobile app, iOS, Android, and Windows Phone.

Android Has a Vast Audience for M-commerce

The iOS & Windows platforms have limited audience compared to open source Android. Therefore, Android has captured more than 80% audience around the globe. Thus, Android app development becomes the strongest candidate out of all.

Support for Backward Compatibility for M-commerce

Another advantage of being an open source of Android is support for backward compatibility for Android devices as well as Android OS versions.

Affordability of Android Devices for M-commerce

Moreover, Android devices are cheaper than iOS devices. Availability of Android devices in a wide range of price tags made it affordable for middle to lower class population which a huge in itself.

These all have made Android development favorite among third-world nations, which have a huge population to explore. Therefore, the potential for Android-based M-commerce application development is nearly infinite.

Easy Integration with Upcoming Technologies

  • We already know that a reach of the Android platform to the wearable device niche is farther than any other mobile OS platform.
  • The majority of current wearable devices are relying on Android apps for interface to operate, monitor, and even getting advanced services.
  • Android offers easy integration of various APIs including cloud service APIs.
  • Android app developers have flairs to integrate AI-powered applications like Chatbot and BI reporting into M-commerce applications.
  • Augmented Reality based M-commerce app makes shopping an altogether different and enhanced experience with retailers, in malls, and in-app purchase.
  • Android application development support for integration of advanced search engine, comparison engine, and offer Omnichannel experiences with multiple outlets like Facebook, Amazon, eBay, and B2B.
  • Android OS supports the integration of various mobile payments, which we are going to explore in the next section in details.

M-commerce Payments

M-commerce applications greatly rely on advanced payment methods and seamless integrations of these payment options for better payment experiences.

Android app development team can offer you the myriads of mobile payment options in your M-commerce app development. For instance,

Mobile Wallets

Mobile wallet stores all payment related details of the user and run through a simple PIN or Biometry authentication. It makes payment fast, secure, and reliable. Apple Pay, Google Pay, Amazon Pay, PayPal, and Samsung Pay. Fortunately, the Android platform supports all in its M-commerce app integration.

Contact-Free Payment with Bluetooth and NFC

Shoppers have to do nothing but place a mobile phone with an active M-commerce app against a terminal or device in a retail outlet. Validation and transmission of payment occur automatically through mobile wallets. Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay are known mobile wallets for it. Fortunately, Android supports all in its M-commerce app.

Closed Loop Payments

The payment is linked with a single brand and by its dedicated mobile app. Walmart Pay, Starbucks, and Taco Bell are an example of it. Fortunately, Android supports all in its M-commerce integration.

Direct Money Transfer

Apart from banking apps, other providers offer apps for direct money transfer from one user to another though in-app facilities. It has eased M-commerce payments a lot, and leading providers are PayPal and Google. Other emerging providers are Venmo, Square Cash, WeChat, SnapChat, and Facebook Messenger as more options. Fortunately, Android app development supports all in its M-commerce integration.


If your M-commerce app supports card reader app and contactless payment app, you have done it for superior M-commerce experiences.

Wrapping It Up:

We have seen how the M-commerce industry is working and passing through transformation and innovation phases. We also have explored the capabilities of Android app development, thanks to Android OS platform offerings in M-commerce app development.

M-connect Solutions has an impeccable team of Android app developers who have successfully delivered M-commerce applications for startups to leading world-class brands at highly competitive rates. Would you like to tie a knot with us?

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About Hemant Parmar

Hemant Parmar is an eCommerce expert and a keen Magento consultant who specializes in meeting the needs of businesses in the e-commerce space. Years in the eCommerce market make him a perfect choice for sharing his expertise on eCommerce and Magento 2 development. He believes that customers need to be met no matter how challenging it might be.

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