We all accept that PHP is king in a server-side programming language. PHP enables us to create larger scale dynamic websites and web applications with…
PHP is a highly flexible server-side programming language to create dynamic websites & web applications. Due to immense flexibility, working in a PHP development project without a framework can place the project at stake. Thereby, PHP is enjoying the highest number of frameworks on the programming landscape.
With the pace of time, clients are demanding more & more, so developers are running after the solutions to meet their expectations. It is a game survival for web developers. Hence, PHP frameworks are getting advancements with the advent of technologies. Therefore, today, we have Laravel like advanced PHP development framework to get going on any scale of PHP project.
By origin, Laravel is an enterprise-grade PHP development framework. All-in-all, Laravel is a feature & functionality rich platform to deal with any level of intricacy smoothly. Furthermore, with Laravel development services, a PHP Web Development Company can bring tons of benefits to its enterprise patrons. Let’s dive a bit deeper to learn a few significant ones here.
High-Level of Security
For an application, security threats can arise from whether inner-side or external attackers. Enterprise-grade applications almost have more than one users at admin level as well as numerous at front-end side. It requires robust authentication and authorization systems at both ends.
Laravel offers authentication & authorization in simple yet out-of-box configuration, so a developer can organize authentication logic and manage access to the back-end and front-end resources.
Moreover, Laravel safeguards the application against SQL injections & cross-site scripting and cross-site request forgery like risks using its built-in security offerings. However, the code base amazingly guarded in Laravel that makes it the most secure framework today.
Enhanced Performance
Today, web visitors are expecting a fast loading of your website on any device, including mobiles. Besides it, quick interactions on UIs also play a vital role to win a high conversion rate.
Enterprise web portals and ecommerce sites have tons of products and make performance a bottleneck for the PHP developers. To mitigate the performance related issues, Laravel has a built-in configuration to use the file cache driver. It ultimately stores cached objects or entire web pages in the file system.
However, smart developers prefer in-memory cache tools, and Laravel also supports third-party tool integration. For instance, Memcached & Redis are well-known caching tools, and Laravel supports its integrations seamlessly. The framework allows configuration of multiple cache systems at a time and enhances the overall performance.
Easy & Fast Communication
We know mail service is an excellent way to send a notification to the web users on various events such as after successful registration. Thereby, Laravel offers support to a range of mail service integrations.
For example, it gives a clean and straightforward API instead of various mail libraries like SwiftMailer. It has drivers for SMTP, SparkPost, Mandrill, Mailgun, Amazon SES, PHP’s “mail” function, and “send email” like services. Thus, the application can leverage local and cloud-based mailer services for a variety of delivery services, including SMS and Slack.
Laravel Has an Eloquent ORM for PHP Developers
Object Relational Mapper (ORM) allows OOP programmers to play with objects irrespective of what data sources attached to it. ORM is a simple ActiveRecord implementation, so developers grab opportunities to work with the database in the application without writing database code.
Thereby, PHP developers can inquire about the data attached with PHP syntax without indulging into database programming. It makes development faster than your imagination, and Laravel makes it possible to deliver quicker than working with other PHP frameworks.
Blade Templating
The blade is a Templating engine. It makes programming simple and easy because Blade allows the developer to use plain PHP code in the interface (View). Moreover, it is extensible and prevents the application from getting a visual projection.
Blade offers plain code before any storage or modification. Furthermore, it provides unique conditional statements and loops.
Artisan CLI Makes Laravel Development Services More Advanced
Artisan is a command line interface for the Laravel framework. It is an advanced tool to accomplish a highly intricate and sophisticated programming task, which developers used to avoid doing manually. Apart from automation in coding, it aids in the creation of skeleton code and database structure. Thus, it is an excellent tool in the migration of the application to manage the database. It also allows programmers to create unique and custom code to meet their bespoke needs.
Unit Testing
Through testing and verifications is essential in software application development. Developers can know the defects in the application only after the testing and validation process using appropriate testing methods.
Laravel is built with testing in mind. Thereby, PHPUnit is out-of-box in Laravel and comes right from the setup. The framework allows for expressing testing of the web application thanks to built-in convenient helper methods. Hence, the tester can simulate the behavior of end-users while interacting with the application. For instance, clicks on links and form filling like usual tasks to make a request and monitor outputs.
Final Worlds:
Being a feature and functionality rich PHP framework, Laravel grants mammoth of benefits and going to describe it is not possible in such short posts. If you have a curiosity to dive deep in the framework and its benefits or have decided to have a project with Laravel development services, a dependable Laravel development company is a must to get go.
M-connect Solutions have invested a lot in accumulation and training of Laravel talents. Would you like to get it to hire for your next project, even at competitive rates?

About Hemant Parmar
Hemant Parmar is an eCommerce expert and a keen Magento consultant who specializes in meeting the needs of businesses in the e-commerce space. Years in the eCommerce market make him a perfect choice for sharing his expertise on eCommerce and Magento 2 development. He believes that customers need to be met no matter how challenging it might be.
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