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An exciting release of Angular 8.0 with lovely features, including the much-anticipated IVY compiler. The new features added a new level to its core framework, including the Angular Command Line Interface and the Angular material library. The latest release also allowed major partner launches including the NativeScript, Angular console, Angular Fire and Stack Blitz. Besides, it has the most speculated Ivy render engine for building an excellent user interface.
Google is subsequently and frequently releasing updated versions of JS-based Angular framework within the shortest span of seven years. It indicates its devotion to providing a highly secure, advanced, and contemporary web development framework for modern requirements. Angular is the most popular front-end development program for building mobile apps, desktop apps, and SPAs. The Angular 8.0 released with an impressive list of changes and improvements. Let’s explore some of the significant features of Angular 8.0.
1. Differential Loading of Modern JavaScript
One of the significant aspects of the custom web application is that it should be compatible with all the major browsers like Chrome, Safari, Edge, FireFox, and others. In the new Angular release, Google has introduced the following advanced features and functionality.
- Legacy JavaScript (ES5) and Modern JavaScript (ES2015+) as the new Command line interface.
- The differential loading is a strategy, which enables the command line interface (CLI) to create two separate bundles as per the uploaded applications.
- With the new Angular 8.0, the modern Syntax leverages built-in support for modern browsers. Unfortunately, many browsers are still missing the required support.
- The CLI will automatically configure with the JS bundles based on the client’s browsers.
- Now, you will have improved loading speed and TTI (Time to Interactive) while loading apps in modern browsers.
2. Backwards Compatibility of the Angular Router
Now, migration is easy from older versions of Angular framework to the latest versions. The latest angular 8.0 supports backward compatibility of the Angular router. It becomes possible thanks to $route APIs, which permits lazy loading of Angular JS apps. Hence, it allows developers to upgrade and transfer larger projects easily.
3. Introducing Angular IVY
The Angular developers were speculating the release of Angular IVY since so long. IVY render engine is an essential feature of Angular 8.0, as it forms the foundation of future innovations in the Angular framework.
With the release of Angular 8.0, Google has introduced a preview version of IVY to receive the reviews from the active and passionate Angular developers in the Angular development community.
Although Angular IVY is still in its production phase, Angular 8 developers can generate vital new bundles and can perform incremental compilation.
Ivy is the latest Angular compiler and efficient development set of tools. Many practical aspects of the Angular have changed after converting to IVY, but the existing application can work in a similar fashion. However, the size of the bundles has altered only.
4. Bazel Support
Bazel was also the most speculated built-in tool introduced by Google with the release of Angular 8.0. However, Google already is using Bazel support internally for a long time. Recently, it has decided to present it as open source.
Bazel is introduced as the opt-in option, as it is yet not ready and it is expected to be included as a command line interface in Angular 9.
Bazel offers some out of the box innovative features, including the Eject the Bazel file, which is used to a hidden file by default. The Angular developers now are capable of building or deploying only what has changed rather than changing the entire app.
They can do so by ejecting the Bazel file. The first build is time-consuming with the Bazel, but the rest of the build will consume lesser time.
5. Web Worker Support
It is good news for Angular developer that the web worker and delegate support is an anticipating addition in the new release. Adding web workers and delegates in an application demands a lot of time and efforts when you wish to run all as a background process.
Web workers are avoiding confrontations with elements of a front-end user interface when those are running in the background. However, bundling support in the CLI can increase the efficiency of web workers. Similarly, it can enhance the speed performance of the application by shifting the tasks off the main thread.
6. Opt-in Usage Sharing
Google plans to add opt-in telemetry to the CLI to gather and analyze useful data in the upcoming version. Telemetry can collect information like commands used and build speed. However, opt-in telemetric fundamentally offers more insight into the Angular developers to suggest further improvements.
7. Dependency
The Angular team is going to implement routine dependency updates. It will focus on different tools, including Node, TypeScript, RxJS, and many others to keep them synchronized with the latest updates.
8. Dynamic Import Syntax for Lazy Routes
The dynamic import Syntax for lazy routes enables the Angular Web Development Company to upgrade to Angular version 8.0 easily without interfering their large projects. This feature allows the developers to navigate through the application and find out essential modules in the application.
The lazy-loaded routes use the standard dynamic import syntax, instead of a custom string to find out missing or misspelled modules in the application.
9. Angular Firebase
The Angular developers can now upgrade to Angular CLI by using Angular Firebase. The Angular Firebase helps in deploying the web and mobile applications in rapid ways. The Firebase also offers to deploy commands to deploy the applications.
10. No Auto-correcting for Illegitimate Use of HTML Elements
In earlier versions of Angular, correction of invalid use of <tr> and <col> like HTML elements happened automatically. However, in some instance, developers need those elements to go in the code based on a certain logic. Therefore, the latest Angular 8 has modified the auto-correction module and made it optional for developers.
The Angular framework highly used for creating different types of web and cross-platform mobile applications. The latest Angular 8.0 version is going to ease the life of Angular developers a lot by introducing the latest and advanced features described here.
However, to justify Angular-based web or mobile application development, you need to have an experienced team at your side. It is M-connect Solutions, which has a pool of talented full-stack developers with knacks in Angular application development on any platform and for any computing device. Would you like to converse with the team right now?

About Hemant Parmar
Hemant Parmar is an eCommerce expert and a keen Magento consultant who specializes in meeting the needs of businesses in the e-commerce space. Years in the eCommerce market make him a perfect choice for sharing his expertise on eCommerce and Magento 2 development. He believes that customers need to be met no matter how challenging it might be.
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