Android vs iOS: Which Is the Best Option for Mobile Startups?


Well, you are now opting for a mobile app for your startup after securing a mobile-friendly web entity. Due to an increased usage of mobiles and improved maturity for mobility, market trends favor having a mobile app even for a startup.

Startups are a bit more enthusiastic in the adoption of upcoming trends and technologies than established players in the market. Thereby, despite a lot of budgetary and other constraints, they love to invest in mobile application development.

Once a startup makes up its mind for having an app, the next puzzle of the game is the selection of the mobile app platform. However, native app development is always the first preference for a startup thanks to unbeatable user experiences, which can prove a winning strategy in the market.

Now, a startup looking for a native app platform has three options, iOS, Android, and Windows. Unfortunately, Windows Phone has a little audience to battle remains in between iOS and Android.

So, let’s solve the puzzle iOS vs. Android first. Of course, there are some criteria to follow while making a selection for a mobile OS platform. Let me give a glimpse of those before indulge in the age-old puzzle.

  1. Which mobile devices and OS your target audience is using?
  2. Which mobile OS platform can return you the most and quickly?
  3. What is your present budget and capability to invest in the next phases?

Let’s discuss criterion one-after-one.

Know Your Target Audience

Without target audience research, you cannot fix that which devices are in their hands the most? So, ask your selected Mobile App Development Company or Android/iOS App Development Company to carry out a deep target audience research.

So, if your audience is using iOS devices, you cannot opt for Android app development first instead of iOS app development. After all, you have to consider your target audience, and the needs to bring them to your business.

Which Mobile OS Returns You the Most?

Generally, we know nearly 75% global population use Android OS/devices while iOS has only a 12% share. If your target audience shares both of devices and OS equally or proportionately with insignificant differences, the best bet is Android. It has the highest share and a vast audience to explore.

Another facet of the coin is the return it gives. Android users always are low in return as per history in app marketplaces. Thanks to the affluent class of users of iOS devices, iOS app get the most out of investment and faster than Android.

Your Budget & App Development Strategies

Native apps come with a price, and you must have a budget to meet it. Moreover, it takes time depending on the scale of your app and the capacities of your team to meet your deadlines or give output within the shortest timeline.

If you want to cover both iOS and Android, you must prioritize one according to your budget. In the early days of the app era, iOS was getting the priority thanks to its high return, and the organized marketplace.

Today, things are altogether reverse. Android has a big market and a huge audience available. Advancements in Google Play and approval policies of it enabled Android apps to get a good return out of the investment. For instance, iOS has 1.4 billion users, whereas Android boasts on 2.3 billion marks.

Similarly, Android development is cheaper due to its technologies and availability of developers. Java and Kotlin both are easy to grasp and quick to code. Android Studio is a complete set of tools to do big scales of projects with little help.

Against these, iOS is suffering from Objective-C with steep learning, and Swift is still not fully compatible with Objective-C in all arena of coding. X-Code and other tools are costly and tough to master. Thereby, getting an expert iOS developer is daunting for an iPhone App Development Company.

Now, you have got answers of almost all questions influencing your decision to choose a platform for your app development. Here are some other considerations to learn about both platforms while making the right decision in your contexts.

Open Source vs. Proprietary Platform

Android is open source. You can customize it at any extent, and you can target any device or manufacturer as per requirements to address your audience. The latest version of iOS only compatible with previous two or three versions of iOS devices. You have to empty your pocket each time a major release happens, and you need the updated version to stay contemporary.

Similarly, Android app development requires little investment in app development infrastructural facilities compared to iOS. Fragmentation on Android platform is a reality, but with the advent of technologies, it is no more an issue for reputed Android App Development Company.

Of course, uniform updates on iOS platform keep iOS devices and OS highly secure and safe from the latest vulnerabilities and anomalies. Against it, the Android app remains on the mercy of developers for security aspects.

UX or User Experiences

Here, iOS is an obvious winner because it targets UX right from the beginning and still following the same by prioritizing it in each release. However, development in the Android ecosystem is positive and now competing iOS devices as well as OS offerings at great extent.

Furthermore, Android provides seamless integration of the latest and emerging technologies like AI, AR, and VR. Android is rich with wearable and IoT components as well as OS compatibility. Due to the closed platform, iOS is struggling on these futuristic trends.

Where to Go?

We have logically placed all arguments here. Now, it is up to you to weigh the pros & cons of both platforms and take the right step within your contexts and budgetary constraints. MVP (Minimum Viable Product) development approaches are the best solutions to gauge your real audience upfront with a real product giving in their hands.

The “M-connect Solutions” is a place to obtain perfect guidance in your scenario to end iOS vs. Android debate, at least for your next project. Let’s talk about it.


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About Hemant Parmar

Hemant Parmar is an eCommerce expert and a keen Magento consultant who specializes in meeting the needs of businesses in the e-commerce space. Years in the eCommerce market make him a perfect choice for sharing his expertise on eCommerce and Magento 2 development. He believes that customers need to be met no matter how challenging it might be.

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