Mobile Website Vs Mobile Applications :: Compare The Concepts

Mobile devices have actually made the world into a global nexus which is connected 24×7. Everything is acquired on the move with that small gadget of yours and makes the information easily palatable to you. The development of mobile applications can be majorly categorised into two types: Mobile websites and mobile apps.

Comparing and contrasting these can give a clear idea about which one to choose. But the main thing is that while mobile websites are for marketing purpose the mobile apps are for specific interactive application development for diverse media including games, music and the like. Let’s see the comparisons and contradictions between both these forms of mobile development.

Instant availability: The mobile web sites can be accessed if you have an internet connection on your mobile device while you need to download mobile apps from a downloadable source and install it first to enjoy the application.

Device compatibility: Mobile websites are designed and developed keeping the device compatibility in mind while a separate version for each device needs to be developed in case of all mobile apps.

Shelf life: The mobile apps have a very short shelf life, sometimes just 30 days making them a short-lived affair while your website can last a lifetime if you update and maintain it with a good SEO’s help.

Easy to upgrade: A mobile website can be easily modified and updated. Whether you want to change the design, the look and feel, or the content you can do it with less effort compared to updating a mobile app. In case of apps, the updates again need to be downloaded and installed on the devices.

Visibility: Finding a mobile website is made easy through search engines and industry-specific directories while an app could be found on the manufacturer’s store only. So, the visibility of mobile website is far more than mobile apps.

Sharing: Links of mobile sites can be shared amongest users and now days social networking sites has made this task hassle free but sharing an app is not possible. It can only be reviewed and recommended through social media or other modes of information sharing.

Time saving and cost effective: If you estimate the investment made in developing a website in terms of time and money, you would find that a mobile website development is affordable and sucks less of your time compared to designing and developing native mobile apps.

This article has no bias towards mobile apps and we would like to discuss the positive aspects of mobile apps as well:

User Interaction: Without any doubt, a mobile app gives you enthralling experience by its dynamic and personalized approach. For example, games and music are the best form of apps and gives an individual feel when you download something of your choice and taste.

Customization: Apps can be customized for a wider audience base and this benefits many in one shot. Personalising an app is welcomed by mobile app developers as well.

Specific: The apps are very specific and result oriented. For example if you want to do multiple calculations which can confuse you to the hilt, an app can be of great help as it also adds precision to the results. This way it saves time and effort plus gives perfect results.

No need of Internet: Once downloaded an app doesn’t need any form of network connection to perform and give results. It is distinct and brings forth the end result in shortest span of time.

Conclusion: After all these mental gymnastics, we end up concluding that the development of any of these (mobile website Vs app) entirely depends on the purpose and frame of work. From our side we can only simplify the debate and say that if you need something interactive and precise, opt for mobile app while for a larger mobile marketing and audience base, choose mobile website development!!!

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About Hemant Parmar

Hemant Parmar is an eCommerce expert and a keen Magento consultant who specializes in meeting the needs of businesses in the e-commerce space. Years in the eCommerce market make him a perfect choice for sharing his expertise on eCommerce and Magento 2 development. He believes that customers need to be met no matter how challenging it might be.

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4 thoughts on “Mobile Website Vs Mobile Applications :: Compare The Concepts”

  • Which one is better? mobile apps or a mobile website, thats really difficult to decide.its depend on what you want? if you want games or any social networking media then you have to go with mobile applications and if you want mobile frienly content to reach audience base then you have to go with mobile website development.

  • Mobile websites built with HTML 5 can be made to support offline capability. We have been building solutions for rural customers with practically no connectivity in field (only within their home). User downloads data to the device once (using 2 different caches HTML 5 support, one for app the other larger one for data, in our case maps) and then use application through tablet or smartphone unconnected. Synchronisation is required occasionally, this can be done from home by connecting device to internet.
    Also comment on richness – HTML 5 supports quite rich UI nowadays, so much so that it is hard (for me) to justify need for device specific apps anymore.

  • often, the firm does not know what he wants and makes confusion. He asks an app only to be present in the appstore

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