Often quoted the statement “Everything on the net is content” really has truth in it. You find idles of content on the internet. Now day’s smart software is designed to manage the editing, publishing and management of content and is rightly called Content Management System (CMS). These software packages are designed in many technologies and Java is a prominent amongst them.
What is a content management framework (CMF)?
A software system designed and developed to facilitate the reuse of components and customize contents on the web. It is a good blend of content management system and web application framework. A CMS developed in Java has all the functionalities of Java viz. security, platform independence, high performance and smooth implementation.
There are so many Java based CMFs available. Few of them are Alfresco, Apache Jackrabbit, Apache Lenya, Apache Sling and RIFE etc. Let’s have a look at few of these CMFs.
This smart CMF basically serves content management for Windows and Unix like operating systems. Alfresco is architecturally robust and includes high end features like a content repository, a web portal framework, a CIFS interface, a web content management system and Activity work flow. The web server it avails is Apache Tomcat which is efficient and a technical genius.
Depending on the use and technicalities, Alfresco is divided into two parts – Alfresco community edition and Alfresco Enterprise edition. The community edition is free software and follows all open source standards and is used for all general purpose CMS application solutions. The Enterprise edition is more scalable and performance oriented to serve a business house.
Apache Jackrabbit:
Based on Java platform, Apache Jackrabbit is an open source content repository. It is utilized for searching, versioning, transactions and other content services needed in an efficient CMS. With Jackrabbit, you can get hierarchical and structured content. There is also a mechanism for access control, locking and clustering.
This is a fully fledged repository which can be queried through SQL as well. The features of Jackrabbit make it completely viable for business purposes and can actually augment any business with its immaculate content management systems.
Apache Lenya:
This one is another Java based CMS and is also an open source. Developed on Apache Cocoon CMF, this one has amazing features like scheduling, workflow support, revision control, searching functionality & browser based editors. The revised version of Lenya is called Yanel and boards the features of backward compatibility & versioned interfaces.
Apache Sling:
It is an open source web framework famed for creating content centric applications. It facilitates the deployment of application components as scripts or templates in content repository. The best part about Apache Sling is that it caters everything needed for web application development through RESTful app development and aids in flawless content deployment.
For rapid and fast paced web application development in Java, RIFE was designed. It can accommodate development without the use of J2EE. RIFE has many modularized parts which includes CMF, web application engine, Meta data, JDBC, inversion of control support, database query builders, content syndication framework and web services to name a few.
It follows the two approaches of an object model viz. component based and request based. With its web engine, RIFE helps in splitting a web application into binary modules. These modules can then be reused in other projects. This is ideal for a business specific application where modules can be compartmentalise and used into diverse projects thus saving time and effort.
All these CMFs are ideal for businesses and stimulate proper workflow design and development. When you want ideal form of content management these are your best aids!
If you are looking for Java web application development then feel free to contact M-Connect Solutions.

About Hemant Parmar
Hemant Parmar is an eCommerce expert and a keen Magento consultant who specializes in meeting the needs of businesses in the e-commerce space. Years in the eCommerce market make him a perfect choice for sharing his expertise on eCommerce and Magento 2 development. He believes that customers need to be met no matter how challenging it might be.
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Listed very good cmf based on Java. You can also consider Magnolia CMS – it’s very good. i love it.