QR Codes – The Backbone of mCommerce

Integrating innovations into one’s system is the key to success and helps maintain a competitive edge over one’s contemporaries regardless of the niche to which the business belongs to. Use of QR code has become very popular and effective too not only in the e-commerce segment but also in m-commerce segment too.

They are being used widely by the smartphone owners for they are highly cost effective and easy to use too for customer end and business end of communication. The scope of mobile commerce actually is witnessing great expansion basically with the support lent by the QR codes.

QR codes are easy and affordable m-commerce technology that can accomplish lots more than a sales associate can. There are an increasing number of people who are slowly falling for the goodness of these QR codes which are nothing but the backbone of Mobile commerce. The Quick Response codes or the QR codes…the two dimensional bar codes, are catching up with majority of the retailers.

Retailers have switched over to using these codes so that customers can see content that is mobile web based through their smartphones. All that the customers have to do is open the free scanning app, and point the mobile at the code and immediately the web content appears on their mobile screen.

Retailers can place codes on the storefront windows, products displays, store entrances, cash registers and fitting rooms. When the QR codes are promoted through such places there is every chance that more business is drawn for the business owner.

More and more number of people are relying heavily on their smartphones to accomplish a wide range of tasks. With the kind of luxuries that one could get through their mobiles being on the rise, there is also a great demand for the financial services too which allow the customers to use these devices for accomplishing some transactions.

NFC technology is one such technology that helped establish the m-Commerce industry successfully. With the help of this technology, any mobile device could be turned into a platform that could be used for making payments. Did we ever think that we will be in such a stage where even PAYMENTS could be achieved through mobile devices?? Never!

But, the mCommerce industry is still on its road to gradual evolution and there is more need for inclusive technology to make the growth complete. Financial transaction will become simpler when the codes of the banks are scanned and the customer offers an input in the form of his PIN number. He can then withdraw as much amount as he wants.

There are different codes to meet different purposes and a single code is designed to access the information of a specific user and makes use of the information that is saved in the mobile device. This way the codes cannot be exploited and the financial information is not accessed directly.

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About Hemant Parmar

Hemant Parmar is an eCommerce expert and a keen Magento consultant who specializes in meeting the needs of businesses in the e-commerce space. Years in the eCommerce market make him a perfect choice for sharing his expertise on eCommerce and Magento 2 development. He believes that customers need to be met no matter how challenging it might be.

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4 thoughts on “QR Codes – The Backbone of mCommerce”

  • QR codes can easily generated by online services and you can also track and analyze them via some software applications. You have nicely described and specially the bespoke image of usability of QR code. Thanks.

  • Actually this QR code is generated by the Japan to manage their vehicle tracking systems. It’s one kind of two-dimensional barcode image which is digitally analyzed by a programmed processor. Currently, QR codes are widely used by Mobile OS like Google Android, Apple iOS, Nokia Symbion, Blackberry, windows phone and more. It’s current demand for any internet entity. Thanks for the wonderful topic and information.

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