Web Developer Must Aware of Latest Trend of High Screen Resolutions

ZHPXNEVU2MG7 Numerous countries reported a huge revelation when they discovered that people had turned to higher resolutions and bigger screens. Gone are the days when people urged for compact devices, now, they want bigger and better! 1366×788 replaced the conventional 1024×768 resolution and became the most popular screen resolution worldwide after kicking out the number one champion out of the league of screen resolutions.


Since 2009, Web pages have a pre-determined width and given to that matter, the demand for screen resolutions plays a vital role in designing web pages. It gives the portal developers a clear idea as to how they need to produce work, and how they should go about it.

The same trend is being followed in innumerous cities around the globe. People have really taken to higher screen resolutions and given to that, the web designers are changing their working patterns.

The effects of bigger monitor screens are as follows:
» The screen sizes transform at a slow pace given to their data input.
» Small screens are being kicked out rapidly. Big screens are replacing them, adding convenience to the user.
» The appeal of big screens has sky-rocketed so much that everyone is intending on getting one.

Statistic for Higher Screen Resolution:
Previously, the usage of 1280×800 and 1280×1024 were 14.4% and 14.8% respectively, while the same had been brought down to 10.7% and 11.5%, respectively. These screen resolutions gave way to 1366×768 whose 2012 demand was a mighty 18.7%. The resolutions which are just a little lower are fame as low as 1.2%.Today, most visitors are using a screen resolution higher than 1024×768 pixels:
Gradually, people have come to accept big and because of that, smaller screen sizes are becoming extinct. A new trend is being set wherein big screens are only in use and even bigger sizes are being contemplated over. These screens would be wide but not so tall that they don’t sync with human visual system. Due to this, web developers are pursuing ideas that would help them in utilizing the unused horizontal space in a cost effective and time effective manner.

The current mobile devices are constructed such that they provide low resolution support and applications. But given to increasing usage of 3G and such other services, the websites would be designed such that they would support mobile web search and mobile websites.

Mobile browsers hold low screen sizes and hence they mar the convenience of the user. Thus, web developers can only find a way out by offering such websites that support mobile browsing.

Thanks to free website traffic analysis (W3School & StatCounter), portal and web developers can know and capture the screen resolutions of any website, even their future client websites. Besides, they accrue a lot more information regarding searches, downloads and other vital data that prove to be of help to them. It would aid them in delivering proper results to the clients based on their individual needs.

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About Hemant Parmar

Hemant Parmar is an eCommerce expert and a keen Magento consultant who specializes in meeting the needs of businesses in the e-commerce space. Years in the eCommerce market make him a perfect choice for sharing his expertise on eCommerce and Magento 2 development. He believes that customers need to be met no matter how challenging it might be.

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6 thoughts on “Web Developer Must Aware of Latest Trend of High Screen Resolutions”

  • Now developers have to consider this trend during the development. As a developer i did not know that the application industry is going this way. i really appreciate for posting this article.

  • This survey is based on W3School’s users, this reports shows that the 1024*768 resolutions replaced the 800*600 screen resolutions. But my question is that is it possible? how many users will update their systems after buying?

    • Current trend that people are buying high resulutions screen for thaier systems, and also survey says that we like big screen so computer screens are getting bigger and bigger. So we have to upgrade our application development standards suitable to it. As far as tablet and smartphones concerns, we have to create apps according to it. Thanks!

  • Thanks for sharing knowledge. I am very glad you can provide this post. I think web design is vital things for making business. All point is very useful for me.

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